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The Science of Service®

How does your organisation plan to reach net zero? Or become more productive? Or keep people safe during uncertain times? 我们相信,一些最大的战略和运营问题的答案就在您的设施管理中.

我们独特的方法将行业领先的创新与数据驱动的洞察力相结合,以创建您所需的解决方案. We call this The Science of Service.

简单地告诉我们你希望看到的积极影响是什么——更高的业务效率, happier and healthier teammates, 更可持续发展的物业-我们的专家团队将为您实现.

This is just the start.

Discover Facilities Transformation

FM领导人如何正面面对当今商业世界的挑战? Find out in Mitie’s new white paper.

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The Science of Service Story

阅读我们的故事,了解更多关于这个强大的方法,这是独一无二的Mitie, and exclusively for our customers.

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The Impact of the Science of Service

每个组织都在不断地对变化做出反应,并适应新的目标. 我们创造解决方案,帮助组织实现其目标并体验积极的体验, long-lasting outcomes. Below, you can see how the Science of Service® makes an impact, 以及我们如何为客户提供玩滚球的靠谱平台的真实案例. Click and explore each of the Science of Service key areas.

Optimising asset performance and maximising productivity


To help them achieve this, 我们对他们的空间进行分析,并提供可转化为实际行动的实用见解-帮助他们减少停机时间并避免代价高昂的损坏.

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Transforming estates, workplaces and customer experiences

对客户和员工来说,更好的体验仍然是头等大事. To help organisations improve theirs, 我们开发了专门的工具,使经验成为丰富的焦点.

他们产生的见解可以用来指导有意义的变革, helping to deliver improved experiences for every visitor.

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Mitie engineer checking a ceiling ventilation fanfan

Creating healthier and more sustainable spaces


We use innovative tools, such as sensor technology and robotics, 提供能够实时适应组织需求的清洁解决方案.

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Protecting people, property, and assets


We provide comprehensive training for security staff, 我们的商业智能平台Merlin Protect 24/7全天候分析最新的国家和地方犯罪数据,以帮助预测和预防事件.

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Accelerating the path to Net Zero

To help an organisation reach net zero, 我们的“零计划”顾问团队已经开发了一个强大而有效的流程.

They assess the organisation’s environmental impact, identify opportunities for improvement, 并提供切实可行的解决方案——比如可再生能源和电动汽车——以帮助实现脱碳.

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Mitie’s CEO on the Science of Service

从我们的首席执行官Phil Bentley那里了解玩滚球的靠谱平台科学®如何帮助Mitie重新编写设施管理规则. 找出为什么它正在改变我们与客户的对话,从短期储蓄到长期价值.


Welcome to the future of Facilities Management.

Lab articles

  • News
  • 26 February 2024
Mitie推出了新的播客系列,为大家提供了一些英国最大品牌的幕后工作场所和设施, ‘The Science of Service Podcast: Facilities Transformati…
  • News
  • 8 January 2024
Mitie has launched its Net Zero Navigator 2024, 它揭示了未来一年的九个关键脱碳预测,同时为组织在过渡到…
  • News
  • 17 November 2023
Mitie推出了其改造中心,展示了用于推动设施改造的尖端技术. 该中心位于伦敦碎片大厦(The Shard)的总部,展示了Mitie的创新…
  • Event
  • 9 October 2023
Learn how to propel your organisation closer to net zero. 如果英国要在2030年前将碳排放量减少45%,就需要采取紧急行动, in line with Government commitments. In his opening…
  • News
  • 17 August 2023
Mitie has worked with Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), the UK’s largest financial services organisation, 为其位于哈利法克斯的三一路办公室供暖脱碳. The new ground source heat pump system is proje…
  • News
  • 27 July 2023
Mitie has published its latest ESG report, 它提供了对其在过去财政年度(“23财年”)实现其雄心勃勃的ESG目标的进展的见解。. The report highlights the positive strides Mi…
  • News
  • 6 July 2023
Mitie帮助皇家邮政集团节省了超过16年的能源.69 (GWh)——相当于1100个英国家庭的年用电量——在短短12个月内完成. This is the first…
  • News
  • 23 June 2023
Mitie’s Midlands Hub in Bickenhill, Birmingham, has been officially opened by Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands. As well as acting as the base for Mitie’s Central Government & Defence business, the sit…
  • Insight
  • 22 May 2023
超过一半的英国大型组织承诺到2050年消除碳排放*, 减少集体碳足迹的势头正在增强. The climate crisis, and the recognis…

The Science of Service Works

Creating huge value for customers across the UK


assets monitored daily


data points processed daily from 525 sites


tonnes CO2 saved and £690k net benefit


average energy saving

How can we help?

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